امکان مطالعه در اپلیکیشن فیدیبو
کتاب Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Across Achievement Tests نشر انتشارات رهنما

کتاب Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Across Achievement Tests نشر انتشارات رهنما

کتاب متنی
درباره Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Across Achievement Tests
Although there is now a number of somehow practical translations of B.A./M.A. textbooks of teaching English as a second/foreign language lavishly found available in bookstores, we have urgently lacked some types of books that can exclusively test cursively or discursively, integratively or separately, all the individual chapters of a whole book. There is no doubt that too little care and attention have been paid to the shallow gaps and distinct shortcomings of second/foreign language teachers and learners. A lot of students are admittedly confused and embarrassed with the absence of facilitative strategies or aiding books to vigorously embark on their reading assignments. They get immeasurably frustrated with the heavy-loaded pages of their book-chapters. They almost reluctantly roam about wandering within and between the lines without capturing witty tangible clues to have the content readily digested and adequately retained as well as being retrieved on demand. They are now and then heard miserably complaining about their constant endeavors and successive attempts being unwillingly futile at acquiring their graded preferences. Nowadays, in every narrow or broad corner of this world, within the sup-port of advanced technology, the general public genuinely or plausibly are preoccupied with aiming at joining a teacherless, attendance-free, remote or sole program in their exclusive areas of interest. Teachers as well as learners are distinguished to significantly lack the idea of being attuned to the exigencies of the time and be able to adjust themselves to vacillations inevitably brought about by the shifting sands and the chang-ing winds. Every subject in time occupies a position in the curriculum to meet a need of the general public. Second/foreign language learners, in this regard, are not rendered exceptionally radical deviants.


فرمت محتوا
5.۰۶ مگابایت
تعداد صفحات
284 صفحه
زمان تقریبی مطالعه
نویسندهاسماعیل بارودی
ناشرانتشارات رهنما
عنوان انگلیسی
کتاب Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Across Achievement Tests
تاریخ انتشار
قیمت ارزی
2.۵ دلار
مطالعه و دانلود فایل
فقط در فیدیبو
۵.۰۶ مگابایت
۲۸۴ صفحه

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Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Across Achievement Tests
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انتشارات رهنما
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